Lorna Inspires

Image & Etiquette Consulting

Accelerate your professional journey today! 

Lorna helps enhance the image, both in appearance and communication, for individuals aspiring to achieve their best in various aspects of life.

Lorna Inspires

Accelerate your Professional Journey today!

I help professionals enhance their image, both in appearance and interpersonal skills; for individuals aspiring to achieve their best in various aspects of life.

Why hire an Image Consultant?

You have seven seconds to make a first impression. Working hard doesn’t always result in recognition and promotion. Lorna knows this from personal experience. Image consulting can bring out your presence and help build confidence as well as open doors to new opportunities.

If you are serious about accelerating your professional or business journey, then you need to consider looking and acting the part. Are you giving the right first impression? Do you know how to act at the table? Do you know what to say or do when meeting someone of influence for the first time? If you are not sure, then you need to have a chat with me.

Why work with Lorna Inspires?

With over 20 years of experience in image consulting, Lorna has helped many young professionals on a journey to success with interpersonal skills and styling advice. Her specialized services will take you through choosing your clothes, colour palette and educate you in social and business professionalism, so you can be confident, enabling you to command attention in any boardroom meeting or a cocktail party.

She offers Business and Social skills training, and Formal Dining Classes, so you can create a lasting impression long after that initial introduction. Watch your career blossom when you begin to build a personal style that creates natural confidence with manners that make people feel valued. Lorna’s coaching infuses a warm and gentle approach, guiding your individual journey with encouragement and confidence.

About Lorna

Lorna Inspires was born from childhood memories in Jamaica where family, food, and formality were key. But it was not until she learned the value of a personal image that her business was established. Lorna found herself in a season of life where employment opportunities were not matching her skills.

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Attending a social event in, what she felt was, appropriate attire, she found herself mesmerized by another woman who simply created a “buzz” in the room. It was her style. This inspired Lorna to complement her Etiquette Certification and Personal Image Training.


“Lorna helps enhance the image, both in appearance and communication, for individuals aspiring to achieve their best in various aspects of life.”

Our Services

Image & Etiquette consulting includes styling for both men and women, business and social etiquette for professionals and entrepreneurs. We also offer hands-on personalized guidance based on the needs of the individual and situation in order to create a confident YOU.

Wardrobe & Colour Analysis

This service will determine your body shape and colour palette that accentuates your natural feature. From clothes, shoes, accessories to make up you will not be left guessing what to wear on any occasion. Your confidence will soar and you will get noticed!

Business & Social Etiquette

This service is teaching you essential soft skills you need to make an impression. You will learn how to meet and greet bosses, colleagues, prospective clients and how to act in every situation. No worrying any more – you’ve got this!

Business & Social Etiquette

This service is teaching you essential soft skills you need to make an impression. You will learn how to meet and greet bosses, colleagues, prospective clients and how to act in every situation. No worrying any more – you’ve got this!

Formal Dining Classes

We offer group classes to educate dining etiquette – which table setting and glass is yours, choice of cutlery and timing when it comes to being polite and well-mannered. You will be glad do you did this course when you meet the big boss!

Our Packages

Offering a variety of packages, Lorna Inspires welcomes you to the stand-out version of yourself. Each client receives a unique profile perfectly suited to their goals to create and manage their powerful image. Understanding and embracing your unique style provides confidence and credibility in a business world where you can easily be overlooked.

Essentials Color Analysis

Want to consistently look vibrant in everything you wear at work and at home? The Essentials Color Package is the best place to start!

Break free from the frustration of a lackluster wardrobe! Our Color Analysis Services not

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only identify your best colors but empower you to make confident and informed fashion decisions every day. Take the first step toward a more harmonious and stylish wardrobe by booking your color analysis session today.

Friends & Couples Color Analysis

Want a fun bonding experience with your friend or spouse? Looking for a unique gift idea for the couple that has everything?

Our Couples Color Package is a fun activity with a purpose – to break free from the

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frustration of a lackluster wardrobe! Not only will you have fun, you’ll identify your best colors and gain great tips to empower you to make confident and informed fashion decisions every day. This is a great gift for the couple that has everything for their anniversary, Valentines Day, birthdays, Mothers Day, Father’s Day, or any special occasion.

Women’s Image “Amp Up”

Tired of the “nothing to wear” feeling? Want to stop wasting money on clothes that don’t suit you or complement your figure or lifestyle?

If you are truly ready to transform how you look and feel in your clothes, our Women’s

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Image Amp Up Package will help you define your authentic style so you can look and feel naturally comfortable, confident and vibrant in all your clothes, no matter what the occasion. Our most popular package, it includes both the color and style analysis you need to effectively upgrade your wardrobe and ensure you look and feel your best in everything you wear.

Men’s Image “Amp Up”

Calling All Men! Are you due for a style and wardrobe refresh?

Longing for the good old days when you could just rotate through your closet of suits and dress shirts? Struggling to hit the right balance between modern and professional in today’s “business casual” environment? Worried you look overdressed or old-fashioned and that it might be limiting your career prospects? Want your spouse to stop nagging you about your clothing choices so much? These are all great reasons to invest in our Men’s Image Amp Up Package!

The “Hottie Hubby” Makeover

Tired of feeling frustrated or embarrassed by your spouse’s wardrobe choices? Want to put an end to those “touchy” wardrobe conversations once and for all?

If you answered “yes” to the above questions, this package is the perfect gift for the man in your life (and for you!).

Ultimate Image

Tired of that “nothing to wear” feeling? Know that you waste thousands of dollars each year on clothes that don’t suit you or complement your figure or lifestyle? Know you need an overhaul and want to make sure you don’t slide back into your old wardrobe ways?

If you are truly ready to transform how you look and feel in your clothes, our Ultimate Image Package is the way to go. It includes everything in our Image Amp Up packages, plus an advanced body, style and lifestyle analysis, onsite closet audit and styling sessions, and shopping assistance.

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This package helps you to not only define your authentic style so you can look and feel naturally comfortable, confident and vibrant in all your clothes, it helps you put the systems and habits in place you need to stay true to your style long term. This is the package for you if you know the money you’re investing in your passion for clothing isn’t paying off the way you’d hoped. Work with Lorna to learn how to upgrade your wardrobe so you look better, spend less and look and feel your best in everything you wear.

Book a free 15-minute call to assess your needs!

THE FINE PRINT | Allotted time for each package is approximate. Some options are interchangeable and flexible to meet individual client needs. Etiquette packages for children, teens, and corporate training are also available. Fees and packages are subject to change without notice.

Speaking Engagements to Community Groups

Because we know that having a skillset that embraces good manners will help individuals in their everyday lives as well as their professional careers, we pride ourselves on sharing our knowledge and our life experiences to educate the next generation.

Etiquette Training for Children

Etiquette training for children, corporations, and other specialty packages are also available on request. These can be done individually  or in a group setting.

Upcoming Events: Parent & Me Etiquette Workshop

Are you looking for an engaging and educational way to spend the upcoming PA day with your child? Look no further! We are thrilled to invite you to our Parent & Me Etiquette Workshop on June 7th, 2024 at the Ajax Public Library from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

What to Expect

Our workshop is designed to be a fun and interactive experience where both parents and children can learn together. Here’s what you can look forward to:

1. Build Confidence and Social Skills: Help your child gain

My Life Took a Remarkable Turn!

I had always struggled with a paralyzing fear of public speaking, which hindered both my personal and professional growth. However, my life took a remarkable turn when I sought the guidance of an exceptional etiquette consultant, Lorna Kennedy Murray. She helped me...

Want to find out more, send us a message today!


(416) 738 2017

[email protected]

We are located in Pickering, Ontario, serving Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville and Pickering.